Sunday, April 12, 2009

End of the Semester Activities

At the end of every semester there are a few events that will always come up. As a new cadet it may be useful to know what to expect from each one.

The Awards Assembly
As a whole the spring awards assembly is a decent time. It is the biggest awards ceremony for the year. Most of the awards given at this event are legitimate awards. This having been said, all awards are only for wear in ROTC. The awards are typically for outstanding performance throughout the semester. Many of the awards come from the many organizations designed to support soldiers and veterans. Because of this, you will get to meet many of the community leaders that will be your biggest supporters. Participation at the event has been somewhat disappointing, leaving many of the awards un-presented or not received. This year there is a push to make sure that everyone will be attending and not disrespecting the presenters. The bottom line is that, no matter what you feel about the importance of ROTC awards, you need to show up and receive the honors that have been bestowed upon you. It may seem like a long ceremony, but is important, especially for upperclassmen, to remember just how good the freshmen and sophomores feel about receiving awards.

There will be more event descriptions to follow in tomorrow's blog.

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