Wednesday, February 25, 2009

What Not to Do Before a PT Test

Well sports fans I have a very interesting story about PT tests. As you know I have dedicated my last few entries towards explaining the best methods to prepare for a PT test. This includes what to eat and how to stretch the night before to prepare your body. Well, as it were I failed to follow my own advice. I have been on a strenuous workout regiment that has left me a little banged up and stiff; however, I have gotten in pretty good shape during the last month. In an attempt to free up some time for workouts on Thursday and Friday, I decided to take the PT test this morning. I didn't feel that great, but I figured I would be just fine. For your information, I did not do the best job drinking water last night; I even had a few beers. This wouldn't have been so bad by itself, but I ended up having explosive diarrhea this morning. So as of 6:15 this morning I was quite stiff and dehydrated. Despite not being in the best condition, I went ahead and took the test. My performance was less than stellar on the push up and sit up events, but it was not horrible, even with all of the cramping. Most of my decision was motivated by the weather this morning. I figured that there would not be a better day to run than today. The run began well like the other events, but after two and a half laps my muscles started shutting down. My right glute and left hamstring completely cramped, preventing me from finishing the run. I failed to heed my won advice an ended up paying the price. Please take care of your bodies before a PT test.

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